CNC: For the French, going to the cinema remains a collective practice

CNC: For the French, going to the cinema remains a collective practice
CNC: For the French, going to the cinema remains a collective practice
Publication date: 09/26/2024 – 3:06 p.m.

The National Center for Cinema and Animated Images has published a new study detailing the cinematographic practices of the French public in 2024.

The first thing to remember from the study published by the CNC is the importance for the French of going to the cinema in groups. Among the population, 34.1% of citizens go to the cinema as a couple, 27.2% as a family, 21.3% go alone and 17.4% go with friends or colleagues.
The public also expresses a taste for national cinema, since 93.3% of spectators are satisfied with French films and 57.1% say they go to see French works by actors they appreciate.
The cinema remains the best place to watch a film according to 83% of the public surveyed. Note that the majority favors a relationship with the local theater since 85.1% of spectators who go to the cinema come from home and 93.6% go there in less than 30 minutes.

The entire study on French cinematographic practices in 2024 is available on the CNC website.

Elias Zabalia

© photo credit: Le Méliès,



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