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MotoGP, Davide Tardozzi Ducati: “Marc Marquez has every chance of winning his ninth world title”

Davide Tardozzi, Ducati Team Manager, spoke to Italian media TuttoSport about the Italian brand’s ambitions for the current season, the challenges ahead and the imminent farewell of some of its star riders. With several Ducati riders engaged in the race for the world title, Tardozzi does not hide his expectations: “ we want to WIN! Yes, in capital letters, because that’s our main goal,” he proclaims with passion. “ We run to evolve and give the best of ourselves. We have to be 100% focused on this goal, even if we already feel very competitive. »

Ducati is about to see three of its pilots leave the ship: Jorge Martin, Enea Bastianini et Marco Bezzecchi will join other teams next season. “ Humanly, it’s a big disappointment. Enea, Jorge and Marco are three ‘golden boys’. On a sporting level, we are losing a lot : three potential Grand Prix winners, three potential world title contenders. And in quotes, we hand them over to the competition, » confesses
Tardozzi with a touch of regret.

For the team manager, these departures were painful but necessary decisions: “ they knew it had to happen, and the decisions were very difficult.
But the world moves on, and we think we made the right decision. If this is the case, the next few years will tell
. »

Davide Tardozzi: « I am sure that Marc Marquez will behave in the best possible way for himself and for the team »

Tardozzi is already planning for the future with the arrival of
Marc Marquez in the official team
Ducati in 2025. « I hope it will contribute to the evolution of the bike and that he will work in harmony with the team and his teammate. He has every chance of winning his ninth world title,” he confides, convinced that the Spaniard’s talent and experience will be major assets for Ducati.
« I’m sure he will perform in the best possible way for himself and the team, because he is an intelligent boy. »

The 2024 championship is far from over, with four drivers vying for the title. “ The best will win, because he will be the fastest» says on motosan Davide Tardozzi. « Jorge Martin and Pecco Bagnaia have good chances, but I won’t underestimate Marc Marquez or Enea Bastianini. What Pecco showed two years ago, recovering 91 points from Fabio Quartararo, can also happen nowwith 53 points from Marc and 62 from Enea. So much can still happen in seven races. »

With seven weekends remaining and 37 points to be won in each eventthe fight promises to be tighter than ever. “ In such an open battle, everything can change in just a few races,” concludes the Team Manager of Ducatidetermined to see one of its drivers win the world crown.


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