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Quartararo and Zarco find their smiles again

Fabio Quartararo showed signs of progress this weekend at Misanowith encouraging performances in practice and races. After an excellent fifth place in prequalifying, “El Diablo” managed to qualify directly for the Q2which represents the best test result of the season for Yamaha. Despite a persistent lack of power on his YZR-M1, the tricolor was able to fight fiercely during the Sprint race and the main Grand Prix.

I think that Fifth position was the best we could fight for ” commented Fabio after the day on Friday. ” We did our best and I had a fantastic trip. I wanted to get down to 1’30 per lap, and it was fantastic to achieve that goal. We have to take a small step further, but after so many days here in the saddle, the margin is very small.. »

Quartararo also discussed the development of the Yamaha’s future V4 enginebeing cautious about his expectations: ” honestly, I can’t say if the V4 will be better. I don’t think it will be the most important. Yamaha is pushing very hard in all areas.. »

Fabio Quartararo finished seventh in Saturday’s Sprint race, making him the top-finishing rider on a Japanese bike in a championship dominated by European manufacturers. “I am happy, but we are losing power, especially in the race. We lack top speed and acceleration in the final corners. We need to find more power without losing agility. The goal is the Top Six on Sunday. »

Party ninth, Fabio Quartararo managed to climb up to fifth position in Sunday’s competition before meeting fuel problems in the last cornersrelegating him to seventh place at the finish. This is by far one of the best GPs we’ve had this year.. If we do a similar weekend in Indonesia, it will be a big step forward. Lately, I feel much better on the bike. »

For his part, Johann Zarco had a more complicated weekend with mixed performances. The driver of the LCR Honda has nevertheless shown signs of progress with positive adjustments to his bike.

During testing, Zarco felt the positive effects of the new elements tested during the trials of Misano. ” What we tested on Monday during the test was positive, and we worked on improving the lap time. I noticed that I can do a better lap time using less effort, which is very positive for us.. »

However, despite this progress, he failed to qualify for the Q2finishing in 17th place on the grid. During the Sprinthe finished 16th, a disappointing position but with an improving race pace.

During the main race, Zarco managed to move up several positions and finish 15th. It’s positive to approach the Asian races after scoring points again. I managed to catch up with the group in front of me, which meant a lot. The good times in the final stages of the race are another sign that we are on the right track. »

The Grand Prix of Emilia-Romagna allowed Fabio Quartararo And Johann Zarco to demonstrate their ability to overcome difficulties. If Yamaha continues to struggle against European manufacturers, Quartero shows signs of progress and remains optimistic for the future. Zarcomeanwhile, despite a difficult weekend, sees progress which gives hope for better results in the next MotoGP rounds in Asia.


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