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Melilla is sealed off to prevent the massive entry of minors

Moroccan authorities have reinforced security measures at the border crossing from Beni-Enzar, which connects Morocco with the autonomous city of Melillato prevent the entry of a large group of Moroccan minors to the North African town. This measure has been taken as was already the case in Ceuta a week ago.

Sources of the Government Delegation In the early hours of Tuesday to Wednesday, the security forces of the Maghreb country announced in the sister city that, in order to prevent the minors from entering, they have chosen to open and close the gates of the border crossing “intermittently”.

The arrival of these people would have occurred from different points in Morocco to try to emulate what has been happening in the sister city of Ceuta for a couple of weeks, where numerous immigrant minors They have arrived at the town by swimming.

At this time, no minors have been confirmed to have entered Melilla.

This event occurs just two days after a group of fifty people immigrants They tried to swim to Melilla from Morocco last Sunday, although a significant security deployment on both sides of the border prevented this irregular entry, police sources told EFE.

This attempted entry took place at the Dique Sur, the southernmost border area of ​​Melilla that separates the autonomous city from the port of Nador (Morocco) with a fenced dike almost half a kilometre long.

In Ceuta, a week ago

The neighboring country has already decided Strengthen border surveillance in Ceuta a week ago. In fact, a number of security personnel have already been seen in the area of ​​the border crossing, as well as fencing off the beaches of Castillejos, used by the hundreds of immigrants trying to reach the autonomous city via the route of the breakwaters.

As a result, the days of pressure seen in the last fortnight of August have not been experienced again.


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