DayFR Euro

Justice employees paralyze courts for 8 days

The aforementioned union, affiliated with the Democratic Confederation of Labor, stated that it was decided to “complete the struggle program for the month of September, by holding national strikes on the 10th, 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th, and 26th of September, including forms of struggle that local offices will be authorized to implement.”

The union criticised what it considered to be “procrastination towards the demands of the employees of the Registry Authority and various cadres working in the Ministry of Justice”, expressing its “total rejection of the unconstitutional draft civil procedure law, which confiscates the powers of the Registry Authority and harms judicial security in the country”.

The union held the ministry in charge of the budget responsible for “the crisis in judicial administration, in terms of the shortage in human resources and filling it with trainees and volunteers in a hideous exploitation of them, due to the chronic objection to creating vacant financial positions in the sectoral budget of the Ministry of Justice.”

The union expressed its readiness to “deal positively with the outcomes of the tripartite committee regarding amending the basic system of the Registry Authority on the basis of actual response regarding what was agreed upon with the Ministry of Justice.”

Regarding the administrative path of the employees of the Registry Authority, the union demands the deletion of the fifth level and the addition of a new level for all the cadres of the Registry Authority.

It also calls for “establishing a promotion system that ensures raising the legal quota to 40 percent, limiting the period required to pass professional competence exams to 4 years, and promotion by selection to 8 years, calculating the quota for participation in professional competence exams until December 31 of each year, and eliminating the year of training in professional competitions while maintaining seniority.”

Regarding the compensation system, the union demands “the creation of compensation for continuity and overtime, for the uniform and compensation for performance (December and December) and compensation for judicial duties, given that the basic system for employees of the registry body is exempt from the provisions of Chapter 4 of the basic system for the civil service and Article 1 of Decree 403.04.2 determining the conditions for promotion in rank or framework.”

Edited by Abeer Al Omrani

On 09/04/2024 at 11:55


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