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Elham Shaheen criticizes a director because of prayer… and attacks the Brotherhood…

Egyptian artist Elham Shaheen continued to stir controversy with her controversial statements.

In the past few hours, social media users have re-circulated a video clip of the Egyptian artist that was filmed about two years ago, in which she spoke about a director and criticized him for leaving work during prayer times.

Shaheen said, “Society has become largely Salafist, and many artists want to please the audience, and some of them are influenced by the ideas.”

She added: “I worked with a director who was very normal and natural, and suddenly he became strangely religious, so that when the call to prayer was made, he would leave the camera and the remote control, and the scene was running, and go down to pray, and of course all the workers go down and an imam prays with them.”

She concluded by saying: “We are not used to this. Finish the scene and then pray, don’t stop work because it’s prayer time.”

The Egyptian artist’s statements sparked widespread interaction on social media platforms and exposed her to major criticism and attacks.

For her part, Elham responded to these criticisms, confirming that her statements about the director are not new, but rather she made them 25 years ago, in a seminar.

The Egyptian artist accused the Muslim Brotherhood of republishing the video, describing the attack as “a clear Brotherhood campaign behind publishing the video, and it is clear that I have tired them out and they are very busy with me and my opinions… and my name is selling to them.”


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