Several “offenders” defy the restrictive measures
DayFR Euro

Several “offenders” defy the restrictive measures

Rabat, like many other Moroccan cities, is facing a situation of severe water stress due to six consecutive years of drought. This alarming context has prompted the Ministry of the Interior to react by recently issuing an emergency circular to the walis and governors of the regions of the Kingdom, highlighting the need to take drastic measures to avoid an imminent crisis.

Among the initiatives decreed, a partial closure of hammams, spas, as well as car washes, is imposed three days a week. In addition, the water police brigades will see their action reinforced in the capital to closely monitor the application of these new regulations.

Another aspect of this circular concerns the reduction of the flow of water in household taps, a measure aimed at rationing the use of this precious resource which is becoming increasingly scarce. In addition, the use of conventional water, surface water, as well as groundwater for the irrigation of green spaces and golf courses will be strictly prohibited.

The fight against illegal water extraction is also among the priorities of this circular. Thus, the authorities will particularly target unauthorized drilling, clandestine wells, springs, as well as watercourses and water transport canals operated without permits. In addition, the washing of roads and public spaces with drinking water will be formally prohibited.

Regarding swimming pools, whether public or private, they can now only be filled once a year and must be equipped with a water recycling system.

However, while this crisis calls for national solidarity, some establishments seem to be ignoring calls for responsibility. While several hammams and spas have effectively closed their doors 3 days a week in compliance with the new guidelines, others continue to operate as if nothing had happened. Establishments in Hay Riad and El Menzeh, for example, are still accepting reservations throughout the week, defying ministerial instructions.

Hespress FR was able to verify this situation by contacting some of these establishments which, despite the ban, continue their activities in complete normality. This irresponsible attitude reveals a flagrant lack of consideration for the national interest and the difficulties that the country is going through.

Faced with this situation, local authorities have begun to react. According to our sources, the Pashas and Caids have intensified controls in the city center of Rabat and in the Agdal district to punish offenders. However, these inspections will have to be extended to the entire city to ensure that no one can escape the restrictive measures in force.

Moreover, this major challenge of water stress was at the heart of the last royal speech delivered on the occasion of the Throne Day, where King Mohammed VI strongly underlined the urgency of the situation and the importance of preserving this vital resource that is water.

Indeed, the Sovereign called for urgent and innovative measures, by implementing the National Program for Drinking Water Supply and Irrigation 2020-2027.

King Mohammed VI also stressed the importance of building dams, transferring water between water basins, and accelerating seawater desalination projects. He mentioned the Casablanca desalination plant, the largest in Africa, as a flagship project. Developing a national desalination industry and training specialized engineers and technicians are also priorities.

The Sovereign also stressed that water preservation is a national responsibility involving all institutions and citizens. In this sense, he called for firmer management of water resources and the fight against waste and abusive exploitation of water.


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