How this space-based sunlight technology can enhance safety for women? know here
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How this space-based sunlight technology can enhance safety for women? know here

In many Indian households, cultural norms and safety concerns often mean that girls are kept indoors after night.

However, in today’s digital era, tech companies are developing tools to address these issues.

Recently, a U.S. company called Reflect Orbital has announced a groundbreaking plan to change the global energy landscape by providing sunlight even after sunset.

They aim to redirect sunlight from space to solar panels on Earth, effectively selling sunlight on demand.

How Does It Work?

Reflect Orbital has developed an app that allows users to access this technology. At night, users can open the app, select their location, and tap a button.

The app communicates with a satellite network, which then adjusts orbiting mirrors to direct a beam of sunlight to the user’s exact location.

During the day, these mirrors reflect sunlight to solar panels on Earth, allowing them to generate power even after sunset. At night, the mirrors can focus light on specific ground locations.

This innovation has become a hot topic on social media, with many people discussing how it could enhance safety, especially for women.

The idea is that the app could be restricted for emergency use only. For instance, if a woman or child is in danger, they could use the app to call down a beam of light to signal for help.

This could serve as an immediate SOS signal, allowing anyone nearby to assist in emergencies.

Overall, this technology highlights advancements in both tech and safety, offering a potential game-changer for personal security.

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