✅ “September 15 Call” imposes an unprecedented state of alert in Fnideq to repel the invasion of Ceuta
DayFR Euro

✅ “September 15 Call” imposes an unprecedented state of alert in Fnideq to repel the invasion of Ceuta

Tensions still prevail in the areas surrounding the occupied city of Ceuta, amidst heavy security reinforcements, in response to what is known as the “September 15 Call,” which calls for mass migration to the city.

These calls, which spread across social media, raised concerns among the Moroccan authorities, who quickly took preemptive security measures to contain the situation.

Videos posted online show a large deployment of Moroccan security forces on the road between Fnideq and Ceuta, where border controls have been strengthened and checkpoints have been intensified.

Royal Gendarmerie and National Security forces are deployed in several strategic locations near points that are likely to form routes that illegal immigrants could use to try to infiltrate Ceuta.

Security sources confirmed that these measures come within the framework of a comprehensive plan to prevent any mass infiltration attempts that may occur on September 15, the date specified in the calls that spread across social media.
These sources indicate that the authorities are prepared to deal with any emergency, through additional reinforcements of rapid intervention forces along the border.

For its part, the Spanish authorities in Ceuta are taking similar measures, as the Spanish Civil Guard has increased its presence on the fence separating the occupied city from the surrounding areas, while activating strict monitoring mechanisms to prevent any mass infiltration attempts.

Last Wednesday, 60 people were arrested on suspicion of inciting, via social media, to organize illegal immigration operations.

The General Directorate of National Security said that it had launched security operations in the cities of Tangier and Tetouan “to combat digital content that incites the organization of illegal immigration.”


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