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the landing of Lucie Castets for the legislative elections in Isère mentioned

The former candidate for Matignon for the New Popular Front could be invested by La insoumise in the coming weeks in the first constituency of Isère. The maneuver would allow him to continue his political commitment.

A nice way out. With the announced resignation of deputy Hugo Prevost, excluded from the La France insoumise group after accusations of “serious sexual acts”, the constituency held by Olivier Véran until last June is free. Enough to offer Lucie Castets a chance to present herself to enter the National Assembly.

“If she wants to get in touch with the French, I say why not? She is courageous if she goes. A partial legislative is never a foregone conclusion,” says socialist MP Dieynana Diop, party leader. word of the party, from

A favorable constituency on paper

The one who was a candidate on behalf of the New Popular Front to return to Matignon could therefore well be a candidate in the first constituency of Isère. After leaving her position as finance director at town hall, the civil servant is determined to stay on track. For example, she was present this Wednesday evening at the National Assembly during the presentation of the left’s 2025 counter-budget.

But how can we allow it to continue to exist politically for the next few months, without a mandate? Gone is the possibility of running in the Ardennes, where a by-election is being prepared after the resignation of RN deputy Flavien Termet. It must be said that the constituency has been on the right since 2002 and leaves little chance of a left-wing victory.

Hugo Prevost’s constituency is much more favorable on paper. Held by La France insoumise as part of the agreement reached on the left last June, this constituency was for a long time in the fold of the left before falling into the hands of the macronie.

“Not yet open to internal reflection”

As for the last presidential election, Jean-Luc Mélenchon received 38% of the votes in , one of the municipalities in the constituency. Suffice to say that Lucie Castets could appear there in favorable circumstances. But with already a handicap: that of the context of a partial legislative in which abstention risks weighing very heavily. And the entire left still needs to agree.

On the side of the rebels, his figure always seems to be unanimous. Mathilde Panot mentioned her name at the podium last Tuesday during the examination of the motion of censure, still considering it as a serious hypothesis for Matignon in the event of the departure of Michel Barnier.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon praised her at the LFI summer universities, seeing in her a woman who “is not rebellious” but “who deserves it”.

“We have not yet opened the internal reflection. We are waiting for the announced resignation of Hugo Prevost to be effective” and sent to the National Assembly, indicates the party leadership.

Local socialists on the alert

“If they don’t say no clearly, it’s because it’s yes,” deciphers a socialist deputy. But within the rose party, the enthusiasm is less palpable.

“Lucie Castets was perfect in carrying out her mission,” Olivier Faure certainly said on BFMTV at the end of September, therefore using the past tense and without saying that she still remained the candidate of the left for Matignon in the event of resignation. by Michel Barnier.

It must be said that the former civil servant of the city of Paris embarrassed the left by saying the day before on our antenna that he was “rather in favor” of the regularization of “all undocumented immigrants” whether they work or not , far from the position of the socialists.

The local PS might also want to put in their two cents. The Grenoble federation wrote a letter to the national management highlighting Raphaël Glucksmann’s good scores in the last Europeans, according to information from Dauphiné Libération.

“To date, the question does not arise for her”

Manon Aubry came first in Grenoble on the evening of the European elections, neck and neck with the socialist candidate-Place publique with only 400 votes difference.

When contacted, the environmentalists for their part “affirmed that they had not been contacted on the subject at all for the moment”. The communist camp did not respond to our requests.

Obviously keen not to skip ahead, Lucie Castets’ entourage is holding back.

“The proposal was not made to her officially by the 4 party leaders and local activists so, to date, the question does not arise for her,” explains one of her relatives.

A possible duel with Olivier Véran

In the event of nomination, Lucie Castets could cross swords with Olivier Véran who was narrowly beaten last July with a difference of 1,320 votes. Will the former Minister of Health, who for a time hesitated to become a cosmetic surgeon before returning to neurology, want to return to combat? For the moment it’s radio silence on his side.

Former MP Émilie Chalas, candidate for municipal elections in Grenoble in 2020, elected in a neighboring constituency before withdrawing in the second round, might also want to try her luck again. Same story for his former colleague Jean-Charles Colas Roy.


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