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Google pays $2.7 billion to restore the artificial intelligence expert

In an unprecedented step, Google announced the presentation of a check worth $2.7 billion to restore Noam Shazier, one of the most prominent pioneers of artificial intelligence, in a deal that is considered a turning point in the technology race, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.

This step comes at a time of intense competition for the development of artificial intelligence technologies, as major companies seek to attract the best minds in this field.

Noam Shazier’s career in the world of artificial intelligence began in 2017, and his ideas contributed to igniting the spark of innovation in the sector, as he achieved remarkable successes during his work at Google. But in 2021, Shazier left the company after the chatbot he developed was rejected by management. This robot promised to change the way we interact with technology, but safety and fairness concerns prevented its launch.

During his absence, Shazier founded his startup, Character.AI, where he achieved great success and raised $150 million in funding. But despite these accomplishments, the company faced significant financial challenges, prompting Shazier to look for new options.

These circumstances contributed to making his return to Google necessary for both parties.

Shazier’s return to Google is a strategic deal that highlights how major companies attract talent. This investment was not just a purchase of technology, but an investment in creative minds capable of pushing innovation to new levels. Shazier, who previously criticized Google for its reluctance to launch artificial intelligence technologies, now returns to lead efforts to develop the “Gemini” project, which is considered the most important in the company’s journey.

Through this deal, Google reflects its deep commitment to achieving leadership in the field of artificial intelligence, which indicates a shift in the strategies of major companies towards attracting talent capable of presenting new and innovative ideas.

Challenges facing artificial intelligence
Despite the enthusiasm surrounding the field of artificial intelligence, companies face significant challenges in how to manage the technology responsibly. Concerns about safety and fairness remain.

Shazier collaborated with his colleague at Google, Daniel de Freitas, to develop a chatbot initially called “Mina,” which is distinguished by its ability to confidently joke about a variety of topics.

In a famous memo titled “Mena Eats the World,” Shazier predicted that this robot would be able to replace the Google search engine and generate revenues amounting to trillions of dollars.

The artificial intelligence sector also faces significant financial challenges. Developing these technologies requires huge investments, which puts pressure on startups. These pressures may lead to difficulties in achieving sustainability and growth, as “Character” witnessed. A.I.” in the past. However, the presence of Shazier and his team at Google may contribute to overcoming these challenges.

With Shazier’s return, many are looking forward to how Project Gemini will evolve and its potential implications for the future of artificial intelligence. Google is currently seeking to ensure the provision of innovative technologies, while maintaining standards of security and fairness.

In conclusion, Noam Shazier’s return to Google represents a strategic shift in how major companies manage talent in the age of artificial intelligence.

With the great challenges facing the sector, it will be interesting to monitor how this deal affects Google’s progress, and the future of artificial intelligence in general.

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