DayFR Euro

Como wins thanks to goals from two former Fiorentina strikers, Roma overturns Venezia Look at the NEW Serie A RANKINGS

The 3pm races have just concluded with the victories of Roma e As.

The chronicle of the races

Il As wins at home 3-2 against Verona thanks to the brace from the former striker Fiorentina Cutrone and another fresh ex viola, that is Belotti. Scored for the Verona Lazovicwith the gialloblù remaining with ten men in the 64th minute due to the expulsion of Suslov but they scored in full injury time with the youngster Lambourde and waste an opportunity at the last minute Flycatcher.
The Roma instead he wins in a comeback against Venezia: opens the dance at 44′ Bottom firebut in the second half they turned the game around early Cristante and then the yellow-red plant Niccolo Pisilli.

How the ranking changes

Como thus rises to 8th in the standings, while Roma goes to 9th: both momentarily lead Fiorentina.

The NEW Serie A RANKING: Juventus 12, Turin 11, Milan 11, Inter 11, Napoli 10, Lazio 10, Udinese 10, Roma 9, Empoli 9, Como 8, Bologna 7, Atalanta 7, Verona 6, Fiorentina 6Genoa 5, Parma 5, Lecce 5, Venice 4, Monza 3, Cagliari 2.


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