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Algiers imposes visa requirements on Moroccan passport holders

The Algerian government has just announced, this Thursday, September 26, the immediate reinstatement of visas for all foreign nationals holding a Moroccan passport.

“The Algerian government has decided to immediately reinstate the visa procedure for all foreign nationals holding a Moroccan passport”report local media.

“Algeria, which has always been attached to the values ​​of solidarity and preservation of human and family ties which unite the brotherly Algerian and Moroccan peoples, has avoided, since the announcement of its decision to sever its diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Morocco in August 2021, to compromise the free and fluid movement of people”indicate these media, which cite a press release from the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Repeating its usual speech, the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs accuses the Kingdom of Morocco in its press release “to exploit the absence of visas between the two countries, to engage in various acts undermining the stability and national security of Algeria, in particular the multiple networks of organized crime, drug trafficking and human beings, smuggling, illegal immigration and espionage, as well as the deployment of elements of the Zionist intelligence services carrying Moroccan passports to freely enter the national territory”.

“These behaviors constitute a direct threat to the security of the country and impose strict control of entry and stay on the national territory at all border points”indicates the press release, adding that “Morocco bears full responsibility for the current evolution of the deterioration of bilateral relations”.


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