DayFR Euro

Trigoria, individual allenamento per Pellegrini and Zalewski. From 18.45 the game goes to the Olimpico

Romanist Page (L. Meriggioli) – There Rome è pronta a tornare in Europetrasperanze, sogni e ambizione. Questa sera alle ore 21 andrà in scene allo Stadio Olympic The European debut of the giallorossi, che per l’occasione confrontanno l’Athletic Bilbao della star Nico Williams for the first giornata of Europa League. Debutto europeo assoluto anche per il tecnico della Rome Ivan JuricI am far away from the capital Ernesto Valverdeche l’ultima volta sedeva sulla panchina blaugrana nella storica notte di Roma-Barcellona.

The new allenatore giallorosso cannot be told on the captain Pellegrini a cause of muscle weakness, but it does not The FairyI’m still here with the misfortune rimediate first of all. No, I’m summoned ZalewskiI don’t have any problems if it is partially in the group but it will definitely be reintegrated into pink.

Owner of this item at 11.15 a.m. at an individual session. Reed Lorenzo Pellegrini If you go to the first part, you can. The squad’s part Trigoria direction Olympic It is expected at 18.45.


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