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It tumors the colon straight if dribbled alone with early test. The warning call

“Sapevi che avresti perso questa partita ma l’hai giocata benissimo” writes the figlia of Totò Schillaci. Ecco, “what” part of it is one of the greatest pain and difficulty: it tumors in the right colon. However, the Italia 90 bomber can be dribbled all the way it behaves.

For this reason, the doctor “benefits” from the media risk that the illness has caused the death of the calciator to send a message: “Fate warning”. What about the colon, spiega Maurizio Vecchi (nella foto), professor of gastroenterology of the university of the Studi di Milano and director of the Gastroenterology and Endoscopia of the Policlinic of Milano, è he “second tumor per frequency ed è i first posti sia nei machi che nelle feminine”. Secondly, the time it has been recorded annually has been distributed in the report “I number of the cancer”, in 2023 the new diagnosis of the colon tumor is reported to be around 50 years old. “Una frequenza elevata” osserva l’esperto. But this is a positive aspect: if it can be seen without the first time, “you can be fully informed and have an excellent prognosis for life, with a 5-year life expectancy greater than 90%”.

Who called after the screening, because it was planned to be checked at 45 years old. Only 30-40% of the population is controlled. “The tragic tragedy of Totò Schillaci must clearly reflect the importance of the test” says Maria Di Paolo, national consigliere of the Aigo (Italian gastroenterological association and endoscopisti digestivi ospedalieri). What is the sound quality? “When it’s the blood test associated with a weight loss, you should listen to the first alarm siren – listen to the specialist – so you can test the occult blood and proceed with the colonoscopy”. If you have a familiarity with the colon tumor, with an adenoma or polipi, “the colonscopia will anticipate up to 40 years and it is a relative of the first degree with the malattia scoperta da giovane if you have to anticipate the prevention. The main reason for the screening – conclude – is to interrupt the passage of the lesion with cancer-causing potential all the way to the tumor. If you anticipate this pass, if you can intervene and move it, it will die at the same time. A lesion that takes 7-10 years to develop a tumor, it is our specialist as a specialist who does not arrive at the oncology patient. Is this sound therapy valid? The therapy will be performed in a striking manner in the middle of the anni-spiega Vecchi- sia dal point of view of the surgical technique, ever more precise and focused, che delle chemoterapie. Nei tumori più bassi del retto ci sono dei casi selezionati con caratteristiche genetiche precise in cui si è è è è è è che the immunotherapy to completely regredit the malattia.

And if it is also in the direction of the vaccine, it is possible to increase the ability to diagnose the virus using it and the other side of the system. If you can intervene, it will be possible to do so without secondary injury. Quindi mai darsi per vinti”.


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