Parody of presidential election in Algeria: the army comes to Tebboune’s rescue (video)
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Parody of presidential election in Algeria: the army comes to Tebboune’s rescue (video)

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The army seems to have found a way to cover up the massive popular boycott of the parody of a presidential election orchestrated on September 7. A video posted online by Algerian YouTuber Chawki Benzehra shows a battalion of young soldiers with shaved heads arriving en masse at a polling station while trying to hide their faces from the photographers’ lenses.

Why not show your face when you have the right to vote? Isn’t it to fill the void of the shunned polling stations?

What is the point of this umpteenth electoral staging when the result is known in advance? No one, including the average Algerian, is unaware that this sham election was folded in favor of Tebboune, the vile facade of a military dictatorship that has not yet said its name.

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