watch out for thunderstorms after the heat!
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watch out for thunderstorms after the heat!

Temperatures are expected to be warm across a large eastern half of France this Saturday. They will drop after the passage of storms which will multiply by the evening and tonight.

Florian the Pashaman 07/09/2024 06:00 4 min

A further deterioration in weather conditions is forecast for this Saturday in France. It is also a country cut in two weather-wise since summer will be present in the east while autumn seems to be settling in towards the west. Find out what the latest weather forecast is for the next few hours!

Heavy heat

Warm air will be advected ahead of the degradation. For example, we can find 26 to 29°C in the shade between Hauts-de-France, Grand-Est and the Rhône Valley. The latter could even experience yet another day of high temperatures (30°C or more).

Lower temperatures will be expected on the western half of France. Sometimes they will be below 20°Cfalling below seasonal norms. This deviation from normal will be more pronounced in the southwest.

Moderate to locally strong heat in the east for this Saturday afternoon.

To start the weekend, two destinations are available to you! If you like the heat (note that it will become increasingly heavy) then the east facade or along the north-eastern borders will be a good optionConversely, if you prefer much more comfortable weather with possible showers, head to the Atlantic coast.

Multiplication of storms

Already in the morning, instability will be present in the southwest. Caution since sometimes heavy rains could be observed. Progressing towards the east and northeast, the area should become even more active. Indeed, The warm air will somehow provide fuel for these precipitations and storms.

By the start of your afternoon, this stormy area should be located between Occitanie and across the entire west of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Rain and potentially strong electrical activity are expected. Also be aware of the risk of hail and strong gusts of wind locally possible.

The deterioration that began on Friday evening will progress eastwards during the day on Saturday.

This unstable front will become more clearly organized by the end of the afternoon and especially the beginning of the evening and the following night. So, we should find it around 10 p.m. to midnight between the middle Rhone valley and Hauts-de-France, passing through Franche-Comté then Lorraine and Champagne-Ardenne.

Electrical activity is expected to be moderate with wind gusts generally between 60 and 80 km/h. at its strongest, 100 km/h in isolation. So be careful with this new storm disturbance.

Locally strong thunderstorms are expected.

Precipitation accumulations will generally be between 10 and 20mm with sometimes significant disparities. Note that locally, the models opt for accumulations exceeding 40 to 50 mm. Runoff causing local flooding is then possible.

Calm Sunday

Much calmer weather forecast for Sunday, at least in terms of the risk of thunderstorms. We will still monitor the persistence of the cold drop near the Channel coast. : regular rains are expected over a good quarter of the northwest.


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