Benmoussa comments on teachers’ participation in the census and says that his ministry financed the purchase of “tablet” devices – Alyoum 24
DayFR Euro

Benmoussa comments on teachers’ participation in the census and says that his ministry financed the purchase of “tablet” devices – Alyoum 24

Chakib Benmoussa, Minister of National Education, downplayed the impact of the participation of about 17,000 teachers in the general housing and housing census on school time, with the start of the new school year, while teachers continue to participate in the census process until the end of this month.

In response to a question from “Alyoum 24” during the press conference he held on Friday, the minister said, “The census is a national process, and there is no development for the country without updated data,” noting that “teachers have always been among the cadres that help the delegation in carrying out the process, due to their presence in the field, their training and their competence.”

The Minister explained that about 17,000 professors are participating in the census, which represents 30 percent of the total human resources contributing to this process, stressing that the professors participating in the census come from different regions, and the issue will be managed through local solutions.

The minister stressed that the impact will be limited, adding, “Our goal is to ensure the actual start of school next Monday, to ensure school time, and at the same time contribute to the national process related to statistics.”

On the other hand, Benmoussa revealed that his ministry contributed to financing part of the “tablet” devices allocated for statistics, within the framework of an agreement with the Planning Delegation, stressing that those devices currently used in statistics will return to the regional directorates for use in the departments.


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