The Minister of Municipal Affairs, Andrée Laforest, is proud to launch on September 3 the national component of the land use planning monitoring system that will guide the government in its interventions in this area. This important step is part of the National Policy on Architecture and Land Use Planning territory (PNAAT) and its implementation plan artwork (PMO). The establishment of the national component is a first in Quebec, and it will benefit all communities.
This new tool aims to measure, using indicators and targets, the effectiveness of government planning and development interventions. It will be a real guide to adjust its framework and practices in this area as needed in order to better meet the societal challenges of today and tomorrow.
Evolutionary approach
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAMH) will be responsible for deploying the system, in collaboration with other ministries and government agencies.
The choice of indicators was guided by their link with the content of the PNAAT and government guidelines on land use planning, their usefulness in measuring phenomena related to land use planning and the availability of data. The indicators and targets will be refined and improved over time based on the evolution of data, knowledge, technologies and pan-Quebec issues observed in the territory.
The four-year period for producing the first national report begins on August 28, 2024. A first report must be submitted to the National Assembly no later than March 2029. Subsequently, a report will be submitted every four years.
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“Thanks to the national monitoring system, our government will base its decisions on more effective data and more tangible observations that will allow us to better develop Quebec’s territory. Development requires adapting to the realities and needs of each of Quebec’s communities, while relying on a shared vision of national priorities. To do this, we needed a major paradigm shift. We are therefore putting the necessary means in place to modernize our ways of doing things and to realize our ambitious vision for sustainable land use planning, for the benefit of present and future generations.”
Andrée Laforest, Minister of Municipal Affairs
- The Act to amend the Act respecting land use planning and development and other matters dispositions (Bill 16), assented to on 1is June 2023, made it possible to establish the foundations of the monitoring system, which sheds light on the situation of land use planning in Quebec
- The national component of the monitoring system is complementary to the regional and metropolitan component. The latter is the responsibility of the MRCs and metropolitan communities, and is associated with issues related to the content of planning and development plans and metropolitan planning and development plans. It has also been integrated into the new government guidelines for land use planning. territorywhich was announced on May 30.
- The main government partners of MAMH in this process are as follows:
- Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec;
- Ministry of Culture and Communications;
- Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks;
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry;
- Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility;
- Quebec Housing Corporation.