Quinté+: Make the Quinté+ paper for this Wednesday, September 4

The starters for the Quinté+ this Wednesday, September 4


The conditions

For ages 4 to 11 inclusive, ages 4 to 8 having won at least €72,000, on the 1,800 meter course with a flying start.

Mes bases (3 – 2 – 5 – 9 – X)

3 – Idao de Tillard : He is certainly one of the best French horses in activity. He has not had an easy summer but benefiting from a break must have done him the world of good. I like it when he runs with freshness. A fan of speed courses and flattening his forelegs, he looks hard to beat.

2 – Hohneck : What a horse! He will run a perfect distance for him. In addition, he has inherited an excellent number behind the car. If he finds himself behind Idao de Tillardhe’s not going to be far off the mark.

5 – Emerald of Bais : She was sparkling at Cagnes-sur-Mer, easily beating Go On Boy. She is also a specialist in short courses. She starts very quickly and should quickly find herself in a good position. She should not disappoint.

9 – Ganay de Banville : I’m trying my luck with the protégé of Jean-Michel Bazire. He will undoubtedly redeem himself after his failure at Argentan. Starting in the second row will allow him to run economically. Watch out for him if he finds himself within rifle range at the start of the straight.

Partners (4 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 10 – 12)

4 – Gu d’Héripré : After a necessary return, he can take a place, especially since it is Théo Duvaldestin’s choice.

6 – Elvis du Wallon : He does all his races and no longer has to prove himself on the reduced courses. He finished on the podium of the 2023 edition.

7 – Hooker Berry : It is impossible to dismiss him. He may resurface after his failure at Vichy.

8 – Ampia Mede Sm : Judged on her penultimate race, she can take an active part in the finish, provided she has a hidden course.

10 – Eric The Eel : He was very good at Cagnes. Continuing his momentum.

12 – Inmarosa : She surprised me last time in Argentan. If she is forgotten, she is a potential fifth.


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