A Republic founded on magistrates

A Republic founded on magistrates

Sooner or later it had to come to this. Politics are not decided by politicians but by magistrates. They are the ones who decide who can and cannot enter our country. But do we realize what could happen if Salvini were finally convicted as a bandit for kidnapping?

Here it is not a question of alleged tax fraud as in the case of Berlusconi, here it is a question of punish a minister who has made political decisions. You may like them or not but it was not a criminal act. Instead, they are trying to criminalize the political opponent. If they cannot defeat him politically, they criminalize him.

It is an attack on the Meloni government that comes from different fronts with the strong powers that have now understood the weaknesses of the prime minister and have started the attack. She is on the defensive, she closes herself even more in her circle believing she is strengthening herself and instead she is weakening. The circle should have been widened, not closed.

Paolo Becchi, September 15, 2024

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