An “exciting mystery” surrounds the murder of a wife in the center of Fez

An “exciting mystery” surrounds the murder of a wife in the center of Fez
An “exciting mystery” surrounds the murder of a wife in the center of Fez

Beginning to read articles from some newspapers on Wednesday from “Al-Massa” in which it was reported that the city of Fez was shaken by two horrific incidents, mainly related to a person committing a murder against his wife, and a second person throwing his wife from the apartment in which they lived on the second floor of a building. Buildings, at a time when the two incidents mobilized the local and security authorities, and the competent Public Prosecution also joined in, and issued instructions to the competent security services in order to conduct careful research to find out the details and circumstances of the two cases, which are shrouded in many ambiguities.

In other news, Al-Massa discussed the issue of destroying a quantity of red meat estimated at approximately 400 kilograms in the Meknes massacre, claiming that the slaughter was carried out in a public massacre in a community adjacent to the community to which the seized meat was transported in violation of the recently enacted law, which stipulates that the carcass is illegal. The groups concerned must be in private slaughterhouses alone.

This issue sparked a lot of controversy among a group of butchers and meat professionals in Meknes, given that the meat that was destroyed met health conditions, given that the slaughtering process took place in a public slaughterhouse and was marked by the veterinary services.

In this regard, a source from the “Butchers” Association in Meknes said, in a telephone conversation with “Al-Masaa”, that the process of destroying the mentioned amount of red meat is considered restrictive and oppressive, and the public interest was not taken into account by the concerned party when it carried out this process at the height of the crisis. The huge shortage of red meat that our country is suffering from, which has led to an unprecedented rise in meat prices.

The same newspaper reported that the Ministry of the Interior issued decisions to relieve 4 employees of the Ben Jarir group from their duties, due to them committing administrative violations, explaining that the worker of the Rehamna region informed the acting president of the council of the decision to relieve the four employees from positions of responsibility, and to activate the disciplinary procedure against them.

The same media platform reported that the Administrative Court in Fez issued a decision to dismiss the head of the Imzouren community in Al Hoceima province and his first deputy and strip them of their duties and membership in the aforementioned group, after it became clear to the relevant judicial body that those concerned were involved in what was described as poor management and management of the group’s affairs.

And to “Moroccan Events”, which published that the Casablanca Community is expected to ratify a draft partnership agreement between the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, and the Local Development Company, at its regular session, stipulating the establishment of an international center for electronic games under the name “Casablanca Games”. “Electronic”.

For its part, “Bayan Al-Youm” wrote that the Regional Committee for Human Development in Sidi Ifni Province held its third meeting, which was devoted to studying and approving projects related to the axis of supporting entrepreneurship and the axis of the social and solidarity economy. These projects fall within the third program of the National Human Development Initiative, related to improving income and economic inclusion of youth by the year 2024.

Thus, during this meeting, which was chaired by the governor of the Sidi Ifni province and head of the committee, Hassan Sedqi, the Regional Committee for Human Development approved 36 projects within the entrepreneurship axis, for which a financial cover of 3.5 million dirhams was allocated, including 2.8 million dirhams contributed by the National Initiative. For human development.

Regarding the social and solidarity economy axis, the committee approved 7 projects at a total cost estimated at 820 thousand dirhams, including 492 thousand dirhams as a contribution from the initiative.

On the other hand, the Regional Committee for Human Development in Sidi Ifni Province approved the allocation of a training course in driving public works mechanisms for the benefit of 32 beneficiaries who do not have work, training or a diploma.

“Bayan Al-Youm” reported that the Fez Primary Criminal Chamber convicted an accused of killing a schoolgirl in Sefrou to 22 years in prison, after prosecuting him for premeditated murder, theft described with a weapon, kidnapping, detention, and premeditated murder, which was followed by the crime of theft, beating, wounding with a weapon, extortion, using weapons, using violence, threatening it, and assault. Introducing a minor to violence that resulted in her being deflowered.

The court ruled that the accused in the related civil lawsuit should pay 100,000 dirhams in compensation for the benefit of the victim student’s father, and the civil rights claimant was exempted from the rest of the claims submitted against him.



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