Algeria: Abdelmadjid Tebboune, first president in the world to contest the results that gave him the victory

Algeria: Abdelmadjid Tebboune, first president in the world to contest the results that gave him the victory

The results of the Algerian presidential election of September 7, as released on Sunday by the National Independent Authority for Elections (ANIE), are completely false, because they were rigged. We knew that. But what no one expected was that this would be the opinion of the three candidates, winner and losers. First of all, two successive and separate press releases from the two “unfortunate” candidates immediately denounced and demonstrated, mathematically, how the results were, to say the least, far-fetched.

On his page Facebookthe so-called left-wing candidate, Youcef Aouchiche, reacted as soon as the provisional results were announced, ranking him dead last and crediting him with only 2.16% of the votes cast. He denounced, through the voice of his campaign management, “the strange gap between the provisional figures announced by the National Independent Election Authority», which gave him 122,146 votes, “and the minutes of 35 wilayas and of the national community residing abroad in his possession, which already give him 214,000 votes cast, while waiting to know the results of the other wilayas».

For his part, the Islamist candidate, Abdelali Hassani, pointed out numerous cases of “group proxy votes» or multiple votes, as well as «pressure on certain polling station officials to inflate and manipulate the results, particularly the turnout rate” He also described it as “odd” the participation rate of 48.03% announced Saturday evening by ANIE.

Read also: Tebboune, the System candidate, is running for a second term in a “presidential” election boycotted by Algerians

We must show some empathy towards the two unfortunate candidates. Of course, they agreed to play the role of hares in this electoral masquerade, but they did not expect the regime to humiliate them by crediting them with an insignificant number of votes, namely 122,146 votes for Youcef Aouchiche and 178,797 votes for Abdelali Hassani. When we know the exact number of voters in Algeria is 24,351,551 souls, and that the electoral authority announced a participation rate of 48.3%, even a hare would indeed be justified in revolting. But the best is yet to come.

Serious failures in calculation

Because the first of the rope, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, was elected according to the ANIE by 94.65% of the vote. Yes, a record score, Stalinist, which would reflect the extreme popularity of the outgoing president. But, the ANIE adds that, while winning 94.65% of the vote, he would have obtained 5,329,253 votes. And this is where we can point out the serious failures of the chibanis of the regime in simple calculation. Let’s recap: the ANIE announces an electoral body of 24,351,551 voters, and specifies that practically half (precisely 48.3%) did their duty and slipped a ballot into the ballot boxes. Except that: 48%3 of the electoral body is equivalent to 11,761,799 voters. And if we add up the votes obtained by the three candidates, we end up with 5,329,253 votes for Tebboune, 178,797 votes for Hassani and 122,146 votes for Aouchiche, for a total of 5,630,196 votes. So where did more than 6.1 million votes go?

Caught red-handed for fraud and tampering with the results, and faced with an instant scandal that made the whole world laugh, Abdelmadjid Tebboune once again called on his two hares to unite their voices and denounce in a joint statement “contradictions and inconsistencies” figures presented by the electoral authority.

Thus, in this tripartite communiqué, “The campaign management informs the national public of the imprecisions, contradictions, ambiguities and inconsistencies that were noted in the figures during the announcement of the provisional results by the President of the Independent National Electoral Authority».

The joint statement also denounces “the ambiguity of the press release announcing the provisional results of the presidential election, which did not include most of the essential data in press releases announcing the results, as is customary in all important national elections“. Indeed, in addition to having omitted to give the number of invalid ballots and that of blank votes, the ANIE, which apparently ignores the ABCs of statistics and mathematics, announced on Saturday evening that the participation rate reached 48.03%, while the official results that it released the next day clearly show that the real rate is 23.12%, a decline of more than 16 points compared to that of 2019.

Worse, the figure of 94.65% of the votes attributed to Tebboune does not reflect any plebiscite, as we wanted to make people believe, since if we relate the number of votes he obtained (5,329,253) to the number of registered voters (24,351,551), we realize that only 21.8% of the electorate is in his favor.

Taken by surprise by these group shots, the ANIE reacted on Monday in a brief press release, in which it stammered as it announced that it would receive the “originals of the minutes of the vote count, which it will transmit to the Constitutional Court” and that she “will keep the public informed of the results of the contents of these reports in accordance with the principle of transparency and to safeguard the credibility of the electoral operation which took place under the best possible conditions“. Dare you! It must be said that since the early hours of the vote on Saturday, September 7, the Algerian regime has been gripped by a panic that is matched only by the scale of its massive rejection by the Algerian electorate, more than 80% of whom boycotted the early presidential election. Obviously, the stakes of this presidential election were the legitimization of Abdelmadjid Tebboune through a record turnout or, at least, an acceptable one, that is to say, higher than that of 2019.

Read also: Algeria admits supporting “legitimate resistance” in Mali

Finally, Tebboune was caught in his own trap, that of having spent the five years of his first term juggling with false figures, whether those relating to non-hydrocarbon exports (especially agricultural), among the “chouhadas” Algerians or the capacity of his country’s seawater desalination plants… However, the junta that uses him as a puppet has not skimped on the means to legitimize him through a massive vote.

Buses, metro, and trams were made available free of charge to potential voters throughout the voting day, which was also extended. Media outlets in thrall to the government even went so far as to treat those who did not vote as traitors and conspirators, while others presented voting as an obligation, and no longer as a right. Similarly, for three weeks, the three candidates focused their entire election campaign on a high turnout, presented as a guarantee of legitimacy and future profound changes in Algeria.

But the response to this propaganda was given last Thursday, during the Algeria-Equatorial Guinea match, counting for the CAN 2025 qualifiers in Morocco, when Algerian supporters chanted slogans in the stands announcing that they prefer “take a patera rather than go vote in the presidential election». And it was ultimately this call that was massively followed, bringing the result of the power’s propaganda to zero and announcing an imminent awakening of the Hirak, following the electoral disaster and the incompetence of the gerontologists who run Algeria.


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