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A reckless driver arrested after a chase, two police officers injured

The suspect’s car crashed into a concrete block near the Champ-de-Mars. The driver was arrested.

New refusal to comply in France. A reckless driver was arrested in Paris this Tuesday afternoon, after a chase extending from the Orsay Museum to the Champ-de-Mars, it has been learned The Figaro from a police source, confirming information from Actu 17.

The events began around 1:30 p.m., in the area of ​​the Musée d’Orsay (7e arrondissement of Paris). A police patrol spots a driver in violation, and orders him to stop. But the driver refuses, and accelerates to escape the control. The police sound the alarm, and a chase then begins.

The reckless driver hits a concrete block

For several kilometers, all along the Jacques-Chirac quay, the police tried to stop the mad race of the fugitive. It was finally at the corner of the avenue de Suffren, near the Champ-de-Mars in the 15the district, that the swerve suddenly ended, when the driver’s vehicle hit a concrete bollard.

The police officers present then tried to arrest the suspect, and one of them broke the window of his vehicle to dislodge him. The reckless driver, however, resisted. But the police managed to extract him and handcuff him, not without difficulty. Two officers were injured in the operation. The man was taken into custody and an investigation has been opened.

Already Sunday, in the 18the district of the capital, a 24-year-old driver who refused to comply hit and seriously injured a pedestrian. The man and his passenger were also taken into custody.


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