DayFR Euro

30 migrants discovered in a truck, one dead

A helicopter was deployed to search for several of the migrants who had fled the truck with foreign license plates that police stopped late in the afternoon.

Around 30 migrants, one of whom died, were discovered in a semi-trailer on a motorway between Prague and the city of Dresden in southern Germany, Czech police announced on Monday 2 September.

A helicopter deployed

A helicopter was deployed to search for several of the migrants who had fled the truck with foreign license plates that police stopped late in the afternoon.

Police also closed the D8 motorway 18 kilometres north of the capital Prague. “All these people have been taken into custody,” police said on X. “We have no information to suggest that anyone has escaped.”

“Everything seems to indicate that these are migrants in transit and, unfortunately, the first information we have received from the site indicates that one person has died,” they added.

A rescue service present

A private emergency service present on the site reported on X that it had taken care of an unconscious woman in her thirties. “A doctor confirmed her death after tens of minutes of resuscitation,” the emergency service said.

The other migrants did not require hospital treatment, but were “in poor health”, the rescue service added.

The Czech Republic, a member of the EU and NATO, has a population of 10.9 million and is a transit country for migrants heading to wealthier European countries such as Germany.


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