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It is time for France to finally have a Prime Minister… by Serge July – Libération


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To break the deadlock, a political head of government will be needed, capable of finding majorities within Parliament. Changes will be necessary to avoid a new version of Macronism, particularly on pensions, the minimum wage, and to move to proportional voting.

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Emmanuel Macron has lost three elections in quick succession: first the European elections on June 9, then the two rounds triggered by his decision to dissolve the National Assembly. He is the big loser in this very long electoral sequence, especially since he is the one who took the risk of provoking legislative elections, and therefore losing some of the Renaissance deputies, and consequently, some of his powers.

These elections have certainly blocked the rise of the RN, which was not useless, but no clear majority has been imposed on the National Assembly and on French society; it lost the elections, but no one has won them. And the fifty days of silence that followed will not reassure the French about the quality of its political personnel, between the right-wing fugitives who are afraid of losing feathers (like Laurent Wauquiez), the left-wing fugitives, the members of the New Popular Front socialists or ecologists, most of whom are taken hostage by France Insoumise (like Olivier Faure or Marine Tondelier) and the troop of all those who are waiting for a solution to fall


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