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Ségolène Royal, Prime Minister: When hope keeps us alive

CHRONIC – While she admits that her political career is behind her, she nevertheless asserts that in the current situation, it is her “duty” to propose her candidacy.

As we write these lines, Emmanuel Macron is consulting, consulting and consulting again. This is surprising from a man who often makes decisions without consulting anyone, his pitiful dissolution is the most glaring proof of this. Now, he no longer knows. Here he is, for once, without an idea. He could cross the street and go ask a waiter for his opinion, but prefers to question more experienced people. Unable to decide on his own, he questions others, including François Hollande, whose minister he was and whom he betrayed.

His ex-partner, Ségolène Royal, has publicly announced that she is ready to be prime minister. Her bravery is admirable, nothing scares her. While she admits that her political career is behind her, she nevertheless asserts that in the current situation, it is her ” duty “ to propose her candidacy. She even detailed the members of her possible government. We pinch ourselves. There would be, in bulk, Laurent Nuñez, Éric Dupond-Moretti, Xavier Bertrand, Philippe Brun. She does not forget to recall that she gathered 17 million voters in a presidential election. That was a long time ago. When we talk to her about Bernard Cazeneuve, she considers that the man is too ” rigid “. It’s true that it’s hard to see him as a columnist for Cyril Hanouna. “I will be the first anti-disorder, anti-chaos, anti-mess. The first minister of tranquility.” she said. Too bad Jean-Vincent Placé didn’t also offer himself, it would have been a complete laugh.


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