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“Some teachers are responsible for Islamist infiltration into schools”

INTERVIEW – In School under control (L’Archipel), the professor analyzes the pernicious infiltration of political Islam in classrooms. He denounces the passivity of a part of the teaching body and pleads for a restoration of authority.

An associate professor of modern literature and a former student of the École normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud, Jean-Paul Brighelli is an essayist and specialist in education issues. He is notably the author of The Factory of the Moron (2005, Jean-Claude Gawsewitch editor) and The Two-Speed ​​School (The Archipelago).

LE FIGARO. – Last April, a 15-year-old teenager, Shemseddine, was beaten to death as he left his college in Viry-Châtillon for a “matter of honor”. Two days later, a 13-year-old student, Samara, was lynched outside her middle school in Montpellier because she did not indulge in ostentatious religiosity. These two cases made headlines. How might they be indicative of this “quiet civil war” that you mention in your book?

JEAN-PAUL BRIGHELLI. –The fundamentalists have been pushing their pawns into our schools with great patience. It all started with the girls’ outfits: via social networks, the latter have…

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