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“This summer, the emergency services worked better here than in previous years” – Libération


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While difficulties persist at the national level, the head of Marseille hospitals highlights the improvement in the situation in his establishments during the two summer months, and easier recruitment than for other hospitals in the region where the situation remains tense.

It looks like a role play where the actors recite their score. At the end of August-beginning of September, it is the usual summer assessment in hospitals and in particular in emergency services.Around fifty hospitals are currently under pressure due to a lack of staff.“, was able to affirm, almost relieved, on Tuesday, August 20, the resigning Minister Delegate for Health, Frédéric Valletoux. Even appearing optimistic, he added: “It’s a little better than last summer and in any case the tensions are not as high as in 2022”. An order of magnitude ““greatly underestimated”, retorted Marc Noizet, president of Samu-Urgences de France, in an interview with Release. “Very small establishments have suffered a lot but university hospitals have also been affected, such as in Le Havre, Caen, Rennes, Bordeaux and Grenoble.”he illustrated, evoking difficulties “widespread and more important than ever.” Who is right, who is wrong? Last year, in September 2023, both sides were reading the same score. François Crémieux, Director General of Marseille Hospitals, gives his point of view as a practitioner.

Was the summer difficult in the emergency rooms of French hospitals?

I can only answer from my window. Here, in Marseille


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