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Still president of LR, Eric Ciotti brings the UDR out of the closet – Libération


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For his political return to Levens in the Alpes-Maritimes, the right-wing elected official allied with the RN chose to launch his own movement, the Union of the Right for the Republic, taking up the initials of the Gaullist party created in 1968.

From afar, everything suggests that nothing has changed on the big meadow. In Levens (Alpes-Maritimes), the tablecloths are still blue-white-red and the drone flies to immortalize the image of this flag. The refrain of Provençal notes welcomes “Les Amis d’Eric Ciotti” and the group will sing Connemara Lakes at the end of the meal. Pan bagnat and rosé on the tables. A political return on track. Until, this Saturday, August 31, on stage, Eric Ciotti announced the creation of his own party: the Union of the Right for the Republic (UDR). “The Les Républicains brand is today outdated, discredited by its defeats, its contradictions, its lack of couragehe says. To be reborn, we must dare to change everything. In order to reconnect with victory, I propose today that we rebuild our political family.” The UDR was born. Two months after his alliance with the National Rally (RN) and his fierce conflicts with his political family, Eric Ciotti still remains president of the Republicans: “I’m not resigning”he says.

“Here, we sing Sardou and we love Delon”

Eric Ciotti climbs onto the stage, pushed by I Will Survive. “He will survive, my friends, Eric Ciotti!”translates the speaker under his straw hat. Here again, at the start, it’s the same hobby horse


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