Bayrou “for the complete or almost complete renewal of the government”
DayFR Euro

Bayrou “for the complete or almost complete renewal of the government”

The Modem leader calls on Michel Barnier to take into account in the composition of his executive the “diversity” and “pluralism” resulting from the ballot boxes during the legislative elections and to beware of a “takeover” by LR.

MoDem leader François Bayrou assured BFMTV on Sunday that he was in favor of a renewal “complete or almost complete government so that we have another approach, another sensitivity, other faces”while warning that a “takeover” Republicans on the executive of Prime Minister Michel Barnier “wouldn’t work.”

The Modem leader called on the head of government to take into account in the composition of his executive the “diversity” a you «pluralism» resulting from the ballot boxes during the early legislative elections. “The message of this election is that we need to join forces to face the challenges that lie ahead.”he explained, dismissing “the hypothesis” of a government dominated by Les Républicains, the political family of Michel Barnier.

LR “cannot impose its policy”

If there was a “takeover”, “it couldn’t work”assured Mr. Bayrou, ruling out that the Modem would participate in an executive dominated by the right, and saying he did not believe that the Prime Minister could “to lock oneself into a hyper-minority partisan option.”

The president of the MoDem group in the Assembly, Marc Fesneau, had already spoken out this weekend, assuring in The Sunday Tribune that a group of 47 deputies “cannot impose its policy”; as well as the resigning minister Jean-Noël Barrot, also MoDem, who estimated in the JDD that the weight of LR in the government “cannot exceed that of his group in the National Assembly.”

The LR approved on Thursday the principle of participation in the government that Mr. Barnier, a member of their party, must form, appointed to Matignon by Emmanuel Macron two months after the legislative elections to try to resolve the political crisis linked to the absence of a majority. The names of the main LR leaders (Laurent Wauquiez, Bruno Retailleau, Annie Genevard) are circulating for an entry into the government.

Appointed on September 5, Michel Barnier must announce “next week” the composition of his government.


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