DayFR Euro

2024 sporting and financial reports from the Boule d’Or de Marciac

The Boule d'Or Marciacaise held its general meeting yesterday in front of a large audience. After thanking the commune, Jazz in Marciac, the Association Sportive Marciacaise (ASM), the sponsors and volunteers, President Benoît Dabezies proceeded with the moral report. The club has 28 members which should increase next year. The president congratulated the athletes for their very good results with a finish in the quarter-finals during the Gers Cup and 2 doubles qualified in the championship. 2 teams have been entered for the 2024 open championship in 3rd and 5th divisions.

Two official competitions were organized in head to head sector championship, head to head and doublet, thus welcoming more than 120 players each. These official competitions will be renewed in 2025 (Sundays March 2 and September 28), a doubles competition in pools will take place Thursday May 1st, the Jacques-Bajon competition will take place, for the local festival, on the last weekend. end of August.

The financial accounts show a surplus balance sheet and well-controlled management of the association. A membership card will be issued (€10).

The new infrastructure, namely the photovoltaic coverage of the tennis court and the bowling alley, should be completed before July, said the mayor. Concerning the administrators' concerns about the annual subsidy, the latter assured: “The municipality will maintain its level of financial aid from all Marciacaise associations”. The meeting closed with a friendly drink followed by a meal offered to the licensees.
