In the show “Coups Francs” on Forever, the journalist Julien Bée spoke about the Girondins de Bordeaux striker, Andy Carroll, the club’s second top scorer, who is now well surrounded by opposing teams.
“There was the element of surprise Andy Carroll, former Premier League player, English international, who arrives in N2… The first defenders who faced him were not necessarily yet aware of how to take him. But there, with all the images of the matches, I find that the defenders are starting to take the hit. They understood. On the other hand, what hits does he take… And there are few whistles from the referees. His calves are tickled a lot during matches, and I find that a bit of a shame.”
Then, he mentioned the final contribution ofEmeric
Depussaynot started in the last two meetings, and who seems to be missing in the middle.
“I’m the first to say that I have a little trouble with his restarts, but I still find that ultimately he brings more density to the midfield than Thomas Trazié. This is what we missed in the last two matches, and Emeric Depussay did not start in these two matches. So there is perhaps some questioning to be had for Bruno Irles.”
Transcription Girondins4Ever
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