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Have the cities of the gained or lost inhabitants? Here are the latest figures

The latest statistics from INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) on demography were published this Thursday, December 19, 2024.

Through these figures, it is possible to know the population of French municipalities as of January 1, 2022. This makes it possible to observe trends from one year to the next: are municipalities gaining or losing inhabitants?

We take stock of the 10 most populated cities in the region, as well as a few cities close to the Luxembourg border.

In the top 10, and continue to gain residents

The regional top 10 is still dominated by , which had a population of 291,709 inhabitants on January 1, 2022, or 396 inhabitants more than the previous year. , the second city in the , lost nearly 1,000 inhabitants in one year, going from 179,380 to 178,478 inhabitants.

On the other hand, the third regional city, Metz, continues to grow. From 120,874 inhabitants in 2021, the capital of increases to 121,695 inhabitants. The other Moselle town in this top, Thionville (10th regional town), also saw its population increase, from 42,163 to 42,778 inhabitants. Here are the results for the regional top 10:

  • Strasbourg: 291,709 inhabitants as of January 1, 2022 (+396 inhabitants over one year)

  • Reims: 178,478 inhabitants (-902)

  • Metz: 121,695 inhabitants (+821)

  • : 104,924 inhabitants (-1,417)

  • : 104.387 habitants (+127)

  • : 67,360 inhabitants (-370)

  • : 62,443 inhabitants (-339)

  • Charleville-Mézières: 45,634 inhabitants (-764)

  • Châlons-en-Champagne: 43,218 inhabitants (-659)

  • Thionville: 42,778 inhabitants (+615)

An attraction for the Luxembourg border

The figures also indicate that the population tends to increase in Luxembourg’s border towns, showing the attractiveness of the Grand Duchy. This is particularly the case in Longwy, which gains 301 inhabitants: its population increases to 15,492 inhabitants. Mont-Saint-Martin gains 80 and its population now stands at 9,282 inhabitants.

However, the population is stagnating in certain towns in the Sillon Lorraine: Hettange-Grande gains only three inhabitants in one year (from 7,765 to 7,768 inhabitants), Hagondange loses 21 (from 9,321 to 9,300 inhabitants) and Uckange gains 25 (from 6,976 to 7,001). residents).

Generally speaking, Moselle and Meurthe-et-Moselle have gained inhabitants: Moselle now has 1,050,721, or 779 more than the previous year, while the population of Meurthe-et-Moselle has increased by 412 inhabitants, going from 732,486 to 732,898 inhabitants.


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