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Jimmy Cabot retires from sports! (off)

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This is unexpected news revealed this Thursday, December 19 by RC . By press release, the northern club effectively announced that its player Jimmy Cabot had decided to retire from sports. “At the end of a tough and interminable battle, Jimmy Cabot is forced to end his career after 268 professional matches. The club salutes his resilience and will pay tribute to him before Lens-PSG” Sunday, in the Coupe de (9 p.m.) .

A final appearance in 2022

The “rough and interminable battle” mentioned by Racing refers to the rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the left knee contracted on October 15, 2022 by the piston. Just a few months after his arrival at the Sang et Or, the ex-Troyen and player played his last Ligue 1 match that day, without knowing it. “Courageous, Jimmy Cabot then began a long phase of rehabilitation which will experience various complications”, summarizes the RCL. Because if he had “rejoined the collective sessions no later than last summer under the leadership of Will Still”, the full-back was unable to continue due to the condition of his knee. At the age of 30, Jimmy Cabot was therefore forced to retire from sports.

To summarize

This is unexpected news revealed this Thursday, December 19 by RC Lens. By press release, the northern club effectively announced that its player Jimmy Cabot, 30, had decided to retire from sports.


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