Ideas designed by middle school students, for middle school students. This is the idea of the junior municipal project which signed its 7th edition during the last municipal council this Tuesday. The elected officials thus welcomed three 3rd year students from the Charles-III college who came to present four projects on which they had been working. Created in 2012, this town hall initiative has brought together 120 students so far, who have brought events such as the Splash party or the Junior Street-art challenge to life. Here are the proposals from Wassim, Lou and Giorgia.
A junior fashion show
“The objective is to organize a parade by and for teenagers from Monaco on a stage in front of an audience”launches Giorgia Caporale, 3rd grade student, in the introduction. The theme of this best dressed competition would be communicated one or two months before the event. “Only the candidate must create their own outfits and must use clothes proposed by local designers. continues the young girl. This fashion meeting would take place at the Espace Léo-Ferré. Participants must be between 13 and 17 years old and educated in Monaco. “For the period, I suggest the months of April, June or October so as not to be too cold or hot depending on the outfits.” And for his project, the student thinks big. “We need a presenter who comments on the outfits when the models arrive, hairdressers and makeup artists, as well as a stage manager.”
A “5-a-side football” field
Wassim Meddah is leading the project of building a reduced “5-a-side football” type football field of approximately 30×20 meters. “There are not many places to do sports in the Principalitynotes the young boy. I thought about doing it in one of the Principality’s car parks, on the roof of the Monéghetti stadium or at the Espace Léo-Ferré, even if it might be destroyed. It could be a project for its rehabilitation.”
In terms of prices, the amount has not been revealed but users of other nearby centers must pay.around a hundred euros per hour”, notes the 3rd grade student. Finally, part of the revenue generated would be donated to charitable associations.
A group of young people volunteers
The concept presented by student Lou Nardi – entitled “A Sqadra”, or “the team” in Monegasque – provides for the creation of a team of volunteers aged 12 to 21.ready to commit for one year, according to needs, in the Principality”. Among the missions that will be offered to them: cleaning the beaches and the city, visits to retirement homes, helping the elderly with their daily tasks, running the Espace Lamartine and supporting Monegasque associations and events. municipal.
A “room clearance” by and for young people
It’s not really a garage sale but rather a “room clearance”, intended, like the other projects, for young people in the Principality. “We could sell sports equipment, clothing, school supplies and all objects that might interest young people.Lou Nardi list facing elected officials. The tables would be held by young people with a contribution of 10 euros.”
The meeting will take place on the square in front of the Charles-III college or on the Place d’Armes. Finally, the profits will be donated to a Monegasque association chosen by the organizers.
After the presentation of the projects, the elected officials unanimously voted for the proposals made by the three students of the Charles-III college. It remains to be seen to what extent these projects will materialize.
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