A firm reframe. This Tuesday, December 17, 2024, BFMTV held a new edition of its political show L’Assemblee BFM. Several high-ranking political leaders were invited to debate on various subjects linked to the negotiations surrounding the formation of François Bayrou’s government. Manon Aubry (LFI), Julien Odoul (RN), Sandrine Rousseau (Ecologists), Karim Bouamrane (PS) and Léon Deffontaines (PCF) tried to have peaceful debates, but the situation turned into a fiasco on the subject of ‘immigration. A real spat took place between Manon Aubry and Julien Odoul. The rebellious MEP even threatened to leave the stage.
Manon Aubry had just highlighted the dangers of the “assimilation” by the far right between “immigration and insecurity” as well as between “immigration and sexual violence”. Julien Odoul interrupted her: “There is a sourced and obvious link.” Manon Aubry did not appreciate being cut off once again in her speech and she made it known: “You know what, I’m fed up now that you won’t let me finish my sentences. That’s enough!” What Julien Odoul said next made the stage shake.
“Relax, Madame Aubry, have a glass of cold water. […] You are speaking absurdly, Ms. Aubry. Take a glass of cold water and calm down,” said the RN deputy for Yonne. Remarks considered sexist by Manon Aubry who asked Benjamin Duhamel, the BFMTV journalist hosting the debate, to intervene. (…)
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