Madame Figaro
For the ninth year, the Business with Attitude-Madame Figaro prize supports and rewards innovative female entrepreneurs with a positive impact. Here are our ten semi-finalists, before the election by our jury of the five finalists who will benefit from our support program.
Here they are, these eleven business creators who were chosen by our selection committee from the more than 110 applications that we received. Their profiles say a lot about the desire for impact of women entrepreneurs in France, their ability to create or preserve jobs, to drive technology and research into the major causes that are shaking up the world and society. . To invent, convince, and produce differently.
The ten semi-finalists for the Business with Attitude 2025 prize
A tailor-made acceleration program
We will soon bring them together at the headquarters of Madame Figaro for one speed meeting with the members of our prestigious jury. It’s always an intense moment, a little tense too, because at the end of this meeting, only five of them (one per category) will be able to continue the adventure. And benefit from our support program (accelerator program with Google for Startups, at Station F; training in positive impact strategies with Élisabeth Laville, founder of the Utopies firm, and B Corp; fundraising pitch training and public speaking coaching).
The winner, designated during a ceremony organized in April, will benefit from one year of media coverage within Madame Figaroof Figaro Economy a you Figaro Entrepreneurs. In addition to the Business with Attitude Prize, the Public’s Favorite Prize will be awarded, after an online voting period during which you can support your favorite project. The Business with Attitude Prize (1) is a start-up in itself, an ecosystem that is developing thanks to these talented women, and especially for them. Good discovery.
With the support of Groupe La Poste, Nespresso, Google, #ConnectHers by BNP Paribas, EY, The Ladies Bank by Oddo BHF, bpifrance, Engie, Elizabeth Arden and BFM Business.
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