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Jeff Gorton didn’t go to Russia to meet Ivan Demidov

At the moment, Kent Hughes is in Russia with Vincent Lecavalier. They are there to observe Ivan Demidov, of course.

They are also there to “negotiate” with the SKA leadership. I don’t know what will be negotiated, but don’t expect to see Kent Hughes bring Demidov back with him.

The chances are more than slim.

A few days ago, the Responsible Gambler gang reported that earlier this year, Jeff Gorton and Nick Bobrov traveled to Russia to speak to the hopeful. It was October, but without Kent Hughes.

Demidov himself had confirmed the visit of certain Canadian leaders.

But according to what Renaud Lavoie reported this morning on the radio, on BPM Sports, that is not what happened. The TVA Sports journalist denies Gorton’s presence in Russia two months ago.

His version is therefore completely different.

I also know that it had already been reported that Jeff Gorton, in October, showed up there [en Russie] to meet him. That’s not true.

Jeff Gorton never traveled to Russia in October to see SKA play. – Renaud Lavoie on Jeff Gorton and Ivan Demidov

If ever Lavoie is right, can we think that Demidov was mistaken about the identity of his interlocutors when explaining himself or that there was a translation error in the words of the hope of the CH?

It’s a theory to raise, indeed.

Let’s just say it’s all weird. After all, the basic interview was with Demidov himself, so the chances of Demidov making a mistake are slimmer than with an intermediary.

Is it possible to think that a meeting with Gorton took place, but not in person? This too is a point that arises.

In burst

– Oh yes?

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– What do you say?


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