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Maintenance and conservation actions for the Belelle River (Neda – Galicia) in the event of possible flooding

The County of Galicia carries out maintenance and conservation tasks river Belelle in the municipality of Neda, on a section that technicians have classified as presenting a potential risk of flooding. The tasks are entrusted to Augas de Galicia.

The Department of Environment and Climate Change this week began carrying out conservation and maintenance actions in a section of the area with significant potential risk of flooding (Arpsi) of the river Belelle, passing by the town hall of Neda. The director of Augas de Galicia, Roi Fernández, supervised the progress of the field works, which focus on a stretch of almost 200 meters, at the Camino da Ponte Grande site.

Cleaning the Belelle River

As explained by the head of the hydraulic body, the tasks consist of removing the sediments accumulated and retained in the existing dam in this location, an action that aims to improve the state hydraulic capacity of the Belelle River canal. Additionally, other preparatory works will also be undertaken on the retaining walls and timely removal of canal trees will be carried out.

Once this first phase of the intervention is completed, as explained by the director of the hydraulic organization, the technicians will be available to address the demolition of the dam in February already mentioned and with it, minimize the risk of flooding.

In this sense, he also recalled that the regulatory changes introduced through the Law of fiscal and administrative measures of the budgets of the Xunta for the year 2025 will make it possible to accelerate the processing of the relative authorizations. work in river sections whose main objective is to prevent possible episodes of flooding.

The solution proposed in this case is the result of the exhaustive technical analysis carried out by Augas de Galicia in the flood zone of the river. Belelle, within which different action models were evaluated. In this sense, King Fernández highlighted the collaboration received from the neighborhood group of the area, which facilitated theXunta technicians information and necessary contacts to locate interested parties and gain access to key workplaces.

It should be noted that Augas de Galicia is developing this type of action as part of the maintenance program, conservation and improvement of the public hydraulic domain and of environment of the Galicia-Costa basin and in its access and protection zones.

The final objective is to improve river beds to favor the natural conditions of the river ecosystem, acting in areas in which the Xunta has competence, outside the urban river networks of municipal responsibility. This year alone, Augas de Galicia has intervened on almost 500 kilometers of rivers as part of this program and by 2025 it has reserved a budget of more than 2.7 million euros to carry out maintenance and conservation tasks in another 550 river kilometers of the Galicia-Costa basin.

The tasks carried out include the removal of sediments retained in the dam, which allows improving the hydraulic capacity of this section, in addition to other preparations that will allow the demolition of the dam in February, to comply with regulations and give normal fluidity to the flow of the Bellele River.


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