Pope admits Vatican was informed of sexual abuse
DayFR Euro

Pope admits Vatican was informed of sexual abuse


Francis said Friday that the Vatican had learned of the information no later than after Abbé Pierre’s death in 2007.

Asked on Friday during his return flight to Rome whether the Vatican was informed of the revelations about the sexual abuse committed by Abbé Pierre, the Pope replied: “What did the Vatican know about Abbé Pierre? I don’t know from when the Vatican knew because I wasn’t there and it would never have occurred to me to launch an investigation into this subject.”. But he then clarified: “After the death (of Abbé Pierre), that’s for sure, but before that, I don’t know.”

According to this response from the Pope, the Vatican was therefore informed of the problem – and therefore the Church of France and, consequently, the leaders of Emmaüs – at least since the death of Abbé Pierre in 2007. Francis was elected in 2013.

“Any type of abuse destroys the dignity of the person”

Regarding this internationally known French personality, the Pope began his response with this comment: “We see that Abbé Pierre, who did so much good, is a terrible sinner (“brutto” in Italian). This is our human condition. We must not say, let’s cover it up because nothing is seen! Public sins are public! They must be condemned. We must speak clearly about these things and not hide them.”.

But he said to himself “satisfied” to see all these things come to light: “Abuse is a demonic thing, because any type of abuse destroys the dignity of the person. I am pleased to see all these cases come out. Sexual abuse of children and minors is a crime, it is a shame.” The Conference of French Bishops (CEF) announced on Thursday that it would immediately open its archives to researchers, and in particular to those commissioned by Emmaüs to investigate Abbé Pierre, without waiting the usual 75 years.


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