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the ordeal of a young woman comes to an end


Lea Pippinato

Published on

Oct 16, 2024 at 7:02 p.m.

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A 19-year-old woman who prostituted herself in an apartment went through real hell. Last October 7while she was at home in with a friend, two men broke into her home. In a few minutes, his daily life turned into horror. The two kidnappers, aged 20 and 21, from Haute-Garonne, took her by force. They told her that she would now have to prostitute herself for them.

As soon as he was kidnapped, one of the kidnappers did not hesitate to use violence to subdue the victim. According to her statements to investigators, the man strangled her, threatening to burn everything in her house if she did not comply with his demands. After taking his bank card and his identity card, the two individuals reserved an apartment via Airbnb, located rue , near the route de Ganges, in . In this accommodation, the young woman would live three days of horror.

An Airbnb transformed into a place of prostitution

The two men’s objective was simple: the young woman had to generate income, but only for them. They prohibited him from leaving the apartment and took care of providing him with all the equipment necessary for his performances. Customers parade. She has no choice but to obey under the constant threat of violence. But this tragic situation finds an end thanks to the vigilance of the victim’s friend, present on the day of the kidnapping. After being held for a time by the kidnappers, she was able to be released by the Toulouse police. Upon her release, this friend immediately alerted the authorities.

October 10three days after the kidnapping, the Montpellier judicial police located and intervened in the apartment. One of the kidnappers was arrested on the spot, armed with a switchblade. The other, aware of being wanted, went to the gendarmerie two days later. Investigators were quick to gather additional evidence against the two suspects. By examining their cell phones, they found compromising photos: the victim, naked. The two kidnappers appeared this Wednesday afternoon before the Montpellier judicial court, during an immediate appearance hearing.

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