RN will vote for censure if Michel Barnier’s government decides to increase taxes
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RN will vote for censure if Michel Barnier’s government decides to increase taxes

By Hicham Zemrani

5 hours ago,

Updated 2 hours ago


Somme MP Jean-Philippe Tanguy said on France 2 that his party would not rule out validating the government’s budget, provided that red lines were not crossed.

Red lines and an opening. Invited on France 2, Jean-Philippe Tanguy detailed his party’s strategy during the examination of the 2025 budget, Michel Barnier’s baptism of fire. The National Rally (RN) will notably defend the reduction of VAT to 5.5% on fuel, heating oil, gas, electricity and wood. Could the nationalist party abstain during the final vote if the government were to take up this flagship measure of Marine Le Pen’s program? “Everything is possible”assured Jean-Philippe Tanguy. With the Figarothe deputy of the Somme specifies: “This is one of the possible options, but it will be a general balance arbitrated by the group.”

Threat of a motion of censure

For the nationalist elected official, “a serious trajectory of recovery of public finances and a reduction in the tax burden on the working and middle classes” must be undertaken to hope for a favorable vote from the RN. The party led by Jordan Bardella, however, has set itself a tax increase as its red line. “We don’t want to feed the Danaïdes’ barrel”asserted Jean-Philippe Tanguy, recalling that France is the European champion of compulsory levies.

To the point of voting for a motion of censure if this red line was crossed? «Oui»said Jean-Philippe Tanguy, who hopes that Les Républicains “will keep their promise” not to increase taxes. During the examination of the finance bill, the deputy of the Somme wishes to tackle the “great taboos of recent years”what are “the reform of the French state and bureaucracy”, “controlling immigration” and a redesign of our “relations with the European Union”.



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