Since the arrest of Pavel Durov, the sudden about-face of Telegram in France – Libération
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Since the arrest of Pavel Durov, the sudden about-face of Telegram in France – Libération

Liberation Info

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Until now almost silent, the messaging service has suddenly started responding to legal requisitions since its boss was arrested. Several police and gendarmerie investigations are concerned, in particular on cases of pedocriminality. But caution is required for the authorities.

The turnaround is unprecedented. Historically resistant to judicial requisitions, to the point of having attracted the wrath of the French justice system, Telegram began to change its strategy just after the arrest in France, on Saturday August 24, of its sulphurous boss, Pavel Dourov. According to our information, the messaging platform has indeed followed up on requests made by the Office for Minors (Ofmin) of the national police and the gendarmerie in several criminal investigations, by providing elements likely to identify certain suspects. Cases of pedocriminality, in particular, are concerned. A change of tack perceptible from the time Dourov was taken into custody. “The door really opens,” confirms to Release Johanna Brousse, head of the “J3” section – dedicated to cybercrime – of the national jurisdiction for the fight against organized crime (Junalco) of the Paris prosecutor’s office. The word is now spreading among all the prosecutors’ offices in France, strongly encouraged to relaunch their own investigations involving Telegram, which have been on hold until now. A trend that is already starting to spread. “We have indeed observed that, for some time now, Telegram has been more inclined to collaborate with the justice system, indicates to Release the Belgian federal prosecutor’s office.


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