Discover these 5 species of whales
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Discover these 5 species of whales

Whales, these giants of the oceans, are among the most impressive mammals on the planet. Each of their species has unique and fascinating characteristics that set them apart from each other. From the blue whale, the largest of all, to the beluga, with its distinctive song, these marine mammals capture the imagination and play a crucial role in the health of marine ecosystems.

Whales play a fundamental role in the balance of marine ecosystems, helping to regulate the food chain and the cycle of nutrients in the ocean. Long hunted for their blubber, which served as fuel for lighting, whales nearly disappeared from the surface of the globe. Although some countries still hunt them in the name of tradition, these giants of the sea are trying to rebuild their populations.

The white whale (beluga)

The white whale.
denys_kuvaiev –

The belugaor white whaleis a small to medium-sized cetacean known for its bright white skin and ability to emit a wide range of sounds, earning it the nickname “the canary of the seas.” Measuring approximately 4 to 6 meters in length, the beluga whale lives primarily in the cold waters of the Arctic and subarctic region.

Unlike most other whales, the beluga has a very thick layer of blubber to protect itself from freezing temperatures. It feeds on fish, crustaceans and invertebrates. Belugas are highly social animals, living in small groups called “pods” and using vocalizations to communicate, navigate and hunt.

The humpback whale.
estebanduquem –

Recognizable by its long pectoral fins and the humps on its back, the humpback whale is famous for her acrobatic behaviors. She can often be seen jumping out of the water and landing with a crash, a behavior called “breaching».

Humpback whales are also known for their complex and melodious songs, which change from year to year and are unique to each group. These songs are primarily produced by males during the mating season and are considered a form of communication and courtship.

Latin name Balænoptera musculus
Length 14 meters long
Weight 30 tons
Longevity 80 – 90 ans
Dive time up to 30 minutes

The blue whale

The blue whale.
Wongymark1/Wirestock Creators –

It is the largest animal on the planet. With a size of 30 meters and a weight of 130 to 150 tons, the blue whale deserves the top spot on the podium of ocean giants. Still considered endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the blue whale is sometimes observed in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean, but this remains rare.

Although it is not possible to see it near mainland France, it is easily observable near the coast of the island of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, in the North Atlantic.

Latin name Balaenoptera musculus
Length from 25 to 27 m
Weight 130 000 – 150 000 kg
Longevity 80 – 90 ans
Dive time between 3 and 70 min, up to 2 h

The Pilot Whale

The pilot whale.
Manu Oc̩n / manuocen Р

The pilot whale, also called the black pilot whale because of its globe-shaped head and the black color of its skin, is often confused with dolphins because, like them, it likes to swim in the wake of boats.

Measuring up to 8 metres and weighing 3 tonnes, it is generally visible offshore, in the deep waters of Normandy and Brittany, but also in the Mediterranean Sea, near the Alpes-Maritimes. Gregarious, the pilot whale lives in groups of several dozen individuals.

Latin name Globicephala melas
Length 4 m to 5 m, up to 8 m
Weight 1.5 to 3 t
Longevity 45 years for males, 60 years for females
Dive time 5 to 20 min

Also readThese monumental cetaceans sail along the French coast

Cuvier’s whale

Cuvier’s whale.
Andrea Izzotti / Andrea Izzotti –

Perhaps the most widespread of the whales roaming territorial waters, but also the most difficult to observe. Cuvier’s whale is part of the toothed whale family. Males of the species have two teeth that protrude from their jaws, which earned them the nickname “goose-beaked whales.”

Visible on the high seas in tropical and temperate waters, Cuvier’s whale scours the Mediterranean basin to catch cephalopods and crustaceans, a food it loves.

Latin name Ziphius cavirostris
Length from 6 to 7m
Weight from 2 to 3 tons
Longevity up to about 60 years old
Dive time 33 minutes

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