Worn out by the effort and suffering from cramps, a guide struggles to finally complete the marathon
DayFR Euro

Worn out by the effort and suffering from cramps, a guide struggles to finally complete the marathon

THE SPORTS SCAN – Arriving in third position with his athlete Elena Congost, the Spanish guide Mia Carol Bruguera had a hard time finishing her marathon.

A bronze medal won at the end of the effort. Cramped by cramps at the finish, after three hours of marathon accompanying his athlete Elena Congost, the Spanish guide Mia Carol Bruguera tore himself away to cross the finish line this Sunday morning in front of the Invalides.

Eaten away by cramps and a destabilized time on the finishing mat of the T12 category marathon (reserved for the visually impaired), the Spanish guide finally came to his senses on the gong, reminded by his athlete of his duties, namely to let her cross the line in front under penalty of disqualification. And all’s well that ends well for the Spanish duo, thus bronze medalists behind the Moroccans Meryem En-Nouhri and Fatima El Idrissi, who arrived 12 minutes earlier after having smashed the world record in the category.

A Peruvian was disqualified a few minutes earlier

By crossing the line before his athlete, the Spanish guide would have run the risk of missing out on the medal. A mishap unfortunately experienced by the Peruvian Rosbil Guillen, whose 12th place in the T12 marathon was cancelled for this precise reason, a few minutes before.

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