Barnier and Duhamel, gossip gossip, by Daniel Schneidermann – Libération
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Barnier and Duhamel, gossip gossip, by Daniel Schneidermann – Libération

“Media” Chronicle

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One has just been appointed head of government, the other announces his departure from BFM: Alain Duhamel will no longer comment on political news but with the new Prime Minister they spent the summer in the same place, where the Barnier option was already circulating…

Thunderclap on BFM: it’s Alain Duhamel’s last season. Truchot-Marshall, stunned: “But why the last one?” That’s right, so why retire in the prime of life, at 84? The outgoing president has prepared his punchline : “Either I divorced BFM, or I divorced my wife.” Heroically, he chose.

The next day, the internal farewell tour begins with Apolline de Malherbe, who is just as incredulous. “Are you really going to stop?” Let’s not exaggerate, there is still one season left. Malherbe: “We’re going to enjoy it like never before.” But still, one less Duhamel, what a nightmare! All chains combined, only three Duhamels will remain, including a collateral and a descendant! Who then, from now on, will know how to stick, detaching the syllables, the three appropriate eulogies – “I found him energetic, unifying and ambitious” – on presidential press conferences? A dark blanket will engulf the world. The patriarch, lucid: “There are too many people from my family.” Oh, well! Malherbe hadn’t thought of that. “Does that make you uncomfortable?” Humbly: “Yes. It was already a political problem under Giscard. I don’t like it when my brother and I are both at the same time on the same subject.”

A royal menu for the octogenarian

For his last season, politics has prepared a king’s menu for the octogenarian: a sort of collapse of the Fifth Republic live and in fast motion, in the form of remake from the 4th, with ballet of the meadows


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