“The entire Algerian nomenclature can come and get treatment in France without a visa,” reveals Xavier Driencourt
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“The entire Algerian nomenclature can come and get treatment in France without a visa,” reveals Xavier Driencourt


In the program “Points de Vue” (Le Figaro-TV), the former ambassador to Algeria reveals an agreement dating from 2007 which exempts holders of French and Algerian diplomatic passports from visas.

The former French ambassador to Algeria (2008-2012 then 2017-2020), already at the origin of the denunciation of the – until then little-known – Franco-Algerian treaty of 1968, throws a spanner in the works. Speaking to Le Figaro-TV, Xavier Driencourt reveals “an exchange between Bernard Kouchner and Mourad Medelci (both then foreign ministers of their respective countries, Editor’s note) dating from 2007 and which exempts any Algerian or French holder of a diplomatic passport from a visa.

A reciprocal agreement which also allows holders of a French diplomatic passport to come to Algeria without the need for a visa, but unequal in essence, believes the former tenant of the embassy in Algiers.You might think that in Algeria, diplomatic passports are widely distributed, they have passports for life. While on the French side, it is still very limited. When leaving Algiers for example, I returned my diplomatic passport to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The entire Algerian nomenclature – diplomats, military, politicians and their families – can therefore come to France without a visa to get medical treatment and do their financial business.” he says.

An emergency for the next Minister of Foreign Affairs

With Vincent Roux, the diplomat suggests to the next head of the Quai d’Orsay to take charge of the file.If we wanted to send a signal to the Algerian system, we could start by denouncing this agreement. It is a simple exchange of letters, so the Minister of Foreign Affairs appointed by Mr. Barnier can undo it without even the authorization of the President of the Republic.” he insists.

Xavier Driencourt then supports his suggestion by recalling that “This exchange of letters really only concerns the fifty or so French diplomats who are in Algeria, while it is a measure that would hurt the Algerian deep state which benefits from all these advantages.».


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