The fear of pressure to increase salaries has not been ruled out.
If France finally has a prime minister in the person of Michel Barnier, yesterday’s problems have not disappeared. Starting with the question of purchasing power, raised to the number one priority by French households. Anxious to see the social partners take up the subject quickly, the president of the organization of local businesses U2P, Michel Picon, called this Thursday for the organization of a meeting « urgently » with other employer and union representatives. « Never has the period needed so much dialogue social , he argued, we must demonstrate that we are capable of finding ways of agreement together. »
For the leader, it is a question of avoiding unpleasant surprises. Certainly, the dark scenario of a takeover by the left and its procession of fiscal and social measures – minimum wage at 1600 euros, indexation of salaries on prices… – seems to be ruled out, but the fear of a pressure to increase salaries is not ruled out. The goal is therefore to take the initiative and not leave the hand to politicians.
The president of the U2P has launched some initial avenues of reflection. He proposes in particular to reduce taxation of work to the detriment of other actors.
The president of the U2P has also launched some initial avenues of reflection. In particular, he proposes to reduce taxation of work to the detriment of other actors. The French only keep « 54 % of remuneration paid by the company »against « 70 % of dividends», « 86 % of retirement »et « 94 % of inheritance income »he listed. It is up to other organizations to take the ball on the rebound.