At the peak of tensions in August, “more than fifty” hospitals were under pressure, indicated Frédéric Valletoux on Tuesday morning, who welcomed the fact that, “overall, the hospital system [ait] continued to operate.”
A tense situation that is unfortunately becoming commonplace. Hospitals have experienced another complicated summer, with “more than fifty” of establishments having declared “a tense situation”indicated this Tuesday morning on CNEWS the resigning Minister in charge of Health, Frédéric Valletoux. Nevertheless, “We did not have a catastrophic situation”he said. “Overall, the hospital system continued to function”assured the deputy (Horizons) of Seine-et-Marne.
However, some cases have caused a stir. Like in Nantes, where four patients from the CHU died in the emergency room in three weeks, between the end of July and the beginning of August, due to record overcrowding according to the unions. A version denied by the hospital management, which only considers one of the four deaths pointed out to be accidental. In Brest, a “wall of shame” was erected by the CGT to denounce waiting times in the emergency room, reaching up to 30 hours.
Also readAt the Mayotte hospital, the emergency department in a “cataclysmic” situation
“Positive signals”
Compared to the peak in mid-August, “There are fewer hospitals under pressure” today, said Frédéric Valletoux on CNEWS, estimating it at “about forty”with six establishments in “white plan”. “I’m not saying that everything is fine, it remains very tense, but we have positive signals”he estimated. Already in West France Two weeks ago, the resigning Minister of Health had judged that in emergency rooms, “It’s a little better than last summer and, in any case, tensions are not as high as in the summer of 2022”.
This is not the vision of the unions. “The situations are very contrasting but I think that if we were to add up all the establishments, the trend would undoubtedly be towards an overall deterioration (of the situation in the emergency room, Editor’s note)”stressed the president of the Samu-Urgences de France union, Dr Marc Noizet, in a recent interview with the Quotidien du médecin, whose organization will publish its own report on summer tensions in hospitals during the week of September 15.